Sunday, August 14, 2005

Back from Oahu

I went to Honolulu this weekend to visit some VA friends. It was a fun trip!! I'll be posting pics probably tomorrow. It went by fast and I didn't sleep much!!! Today we went to the North Shore and got to see several sea turtles. You could feed them seaweed right out of your hand. It was awesome!! I'll write more tomorrow after my orientation for work. UGHH reality sets in! Aloha to you!

Finally back to add pics and details about my trip and catch this up to date! The first tw0 pics were taken at the North Shore at this place where sea turtles come right up to you in the water! They eat seaweed out of your hand- it's so cool. This turtle, we were told, was coming to shore just to rest. The next pic above is Missy, Andre, Yvonne with her Spanish man, O.C., who called her Mommi, and Dee. This was in "the bush" as the Jamaican Carlene's said. (two of the girls on the trip who are both named Carlene and both from Jamaica!) The next pic is the view where Nita (our hostess) works at an outside restaurant near the pool. She certainly has it rough!! She said she can make $1000 a week or more most of the time!!

This wraps up what I can share about the trip to Oahu. Little sleep, lots of drinks, and a whole lot of fun was had by all. I hope to make it back sometime to see more of the island.


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