Monday, May 22, 2006

I am moving!

I got the new place!! Yipeee!! I am soooo excited! I am going tomorrow to meet with my new landlords to sign/go over the lease. I will post pics as soon as I can. Now you have to come visit me for sure!! What an improvement in location, size, view, and I don't have to get a roommate!! I am soo happy. Now I just have to work out the details with my current landlords and my new roommate. They are selling the place, but said they wouldn't close until august when he leaves. I can't wait to get things all straightened out. They want me in the new place June 1, and I leave for VA June 10. I'll probably have stuff in both places until I get back. My new landlords leave in July for a house swap in Australia, and the people from Australia will be staying in the main house upstairs from where I'll be living. (The ohana is underneath the main house with the same view and lanai as the upstairs!) Nice neighborhood, near a fenced in dog park (of course I have to go when no dogs are there!) and very close to the beaches I like the most. I'll be able to ride my bike (I can't really right now), I won't be apartment living (no barking dog downstairs all the time), and Jack will have plenty of space to roam on the lanai (deck).

Tonight we went to Little Beach. A nude beach during the day, but on Sunday nights they have this drum circle/fire dancing thing where most of the people are clothed (a good thing!) This is only the 2nd time I've gone and it was really cool. I didn't like the fact that they had some small children twirling baton with fire on the ends, but I guess they have practiced a lot. It just made me nervous.

Gotta go finish my book and crash out. Happy Monday to you!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Cross your fingers

I am REALLY hoping that I get this new place that I'm going to look at tomorrow morning. I'm trying not to get my hopes up b/c I'm not sure if they are going to allow a pet, but it's hard not to. The place is 800 sq. ft., one bedroom, has a 500 sq. ft. lanai (deck), has an OCEAN VIEW, and is ridiculously cheaper than any other place with it's attributes! I play tennis with the woman who owns it, and she is discussing the possibility of a pet with her husband. They just had 10 yr. renters move out (I assume they didn't have a dog). PLEASE let this work out! I'm working with my current land lord to make arrangements for my roommate to stay here if I get it. I REALLY HOPE I GET THIS PLACE!!

I'm reading The Secret Life of Bees. I am really enjoying it! Playing tennis tomorrow and Sunday (doubles and then singles). Going out with Paulette Kundis tomorrow night (my high school friend, Jason's, wife who is from here and visiting her parents this week). I'll be home in three weeks. I can't wait to see everyone!

Ciao for now!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies. I got to talk to my mom and my stepmom today, but it would have been nice to have seen them! Oh well, in a few weeks I'll be home and I can hug them then.

I had a big singles match today in Wailea. It was such a great match.. I ended up losing in the 3rd set tie breaker which was a bummer, but I was happy with how I played. I wanted to win!!

This weekend was super lowkey. I needed it. I broke down and bought a stereo for my miata.. the cheapest one I could find at walmart- $55.00! My stereo kept dying and the old 'bang it with a screw driver' trick just stopped working. Now I have to figure out how to put it in.

Katie was so cute on the webcam today. She kept waving at me and showed off by dancing for me too. Apparently she takes after her Auntie Susie and loves music. Smart girl.

Tom, a new 3 month renter, moves in tomorrow and my current roomate, Kristine is mvoing back to California. Her contract is up at the nursing home where she works. Tom ironically lived here when he was younger and went to the elementary school where I teach. He will be a senior at Virginia Tech next year (Mike is elated) and is here doing an internship at the Research and Tech center for Haleakala ( His dad used to be the head of the observatory there and his mom is a writer who runs the Writer's Conference in Wailea every year. I really would love to go to that conference so maybe we can pull some strings!! Most importantly, he LOVES dogs and is going to watch Jack (with enthusiasm) while I am on vacation on the mainland!! That makes me so happy to know that he will be very well taken care of. :)

I better go get my stuff ready for the morning. Hope all is well in your world. I am planning to get together with Jason Kundis's (high school friend) wife and kids this week. My co-teacher graduated high school with her (ironically) so we are all getting together.
Have a great week! Aloha, Susie

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Monk seal in Kihei!

(Me, Matt, and Ashley - two friends who are moving off island next month!)
I was walking on the beach road yesterday with some girls and we stopped to talk to a lifeguard that one of them knew, and he told us there was a monk seal on the beach resting. We checked it out.. it was cool! He was just hanging out basking in the sun!! Apparently they do that every now and then, but I had never seen one do it.

Making my plans for my trip to the Mainland. Four days in Tennessee, a week in the Outer Banks and the rest in VA. Can't wait. Someone at work said we have 18 more days at school!! :) Sounds good to me!

Well, I'm gonna go for now. Have a great day.

Much aloha, Susie