Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Listen....she says "I dunno" when I ask her where she is...

My cute niece....

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Christmas music is already on the radio!

It's only two days after Thanksgiving and they are playing Christmas music on the radio already! Keep in mind there are only 2 half way decent radio stations on the island and one of them was playing Christmas music earlier! I am all about the holidays, but COME ON!!

Ok, now that I got that griping out of the way...

Hoping that Tech continues to play well so we can go see them play in the Chic-Filet Bowl. Time will tell!!

There is a WTA tourney where I play tennis this week. I went to a qualifying match yesterday. Wow! Some serious tennis. Apparently I just missed Phillipousis (sp?) warming up. Hope to see some good tennis tomorrow. Most of the matches are this week while I'm working. Can we say long lunch??

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the fam in a few weeks. Crazy to think that it's almost December. Going to see U2 on Oahu before I go home. That should be a great weekend for sure!

Cheers, Susie

Monday, November 13, 2006

Shark attack!!

So this morning I get to work and I'm talking to a coworker about our long weekend. He mentions that there were a few south Maui beaches closed yesterday due to a shark attack and wanted to know which ones they were. Well, this was news to me! I was swimming in the ocean yesterday at Keawekapu beach right down from my house!! This was apparently one of the beaches that was supposed to be closed. Scary! Read about it below... the actual attack happened about 2 miles from where I was yesterday.

On a lighter note, I went snorkeling at this place called The Fishbowl Friday on my day off. It was really something. We hiked 30 minutes through a lava field to get to a nicely protected little cove. There were more varieties of fish than I'd seen here in one spot. It was great! Come visit me so I can take you here...

My lunch is almost over, so I better go. Hope you are having a happy Monday!!



Saturday, November 04, 2006

My debut as a producer...

Hi!! Haven't bloggered in a while...

My Halloween Movie

Thought I'd post this here so you can check out my first attempt at movie making with my new camera!! Hope you enjoy!!

Aloha, Susie

PS. Go Hokies later today!!