Thursday, January 12, 2006

Nothing much going on

It's Thursday afternoon and I just finished lunch. Thankfully my new student has stopped crying long enough to take a nap. My patience was really getting a workout today!

I have been looking for a new place to live that is cheaper and allows dogs, but so far, no luck. I don't want to have to get another roommate! A yard or downstairs lanai for Jack would be great... I'm sure the place won't be as nice, but this $1400 a month is killing me!

Looking forward to the 3 day weekend. I have a training in Kahului on Thursday, and we don't have students on Friday b/c it's a teacher workday! Now that's my kind of week! Mom is coming to visit on Feb. 8 (my bday) for two weeks. I can't wait!! It will be so great to show her around and to just have her here.

I'm getting back into the swing of going to the gym. I kinda fell off the wagon a little before the holidays unfortunately.. Now girl scout cookies are coming!!

Signing off for now...

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